Jelly With Naco Coconut Cream

Jelly With Naco Coconut Cream



  • 1 packet of agar-agar powder, 10g
  • 850 ml water
  • Naco Coconut Cream - 100ml (1/2 box of 200ml)
  • 180 g sugar


1)      Measure 850 ml water and pour into stainless steel cooking pot.

2)      Pour in 1 packet of agar-agar powder and 180g sugar. Stir well until the powder dissolved.

3)      Bring the solution to boil with medium heat, constantly stir to avoid burning at the bottom of pot.

4)      Add in 2 packets of 65ml Naco coconut cream. Gentle stir until the solution boil. Turn off heat once solution boiled.

5)      Pour the solution into a container. Let the solution cool down for approximately 1 hour and then keep in fridge.

6)      Bring out from fridge next day and cut into cube form 2 cm x 2cm.